RELST 238/338 – Religion & Race: Schedule of Readings & Assignments (Sp’18)

January 30: Course Introductions, Expectations


February 1: “Religion” / “Race”

READ: “Racism Lives On Under the Cover of ‘Religious Freedom‘” (Green); “Americans Oppose Allowing Small Businesses to Refuse Services on Religious Grounds” (Cox et al.); “Racist Bullying?” (Klein)

IN-CLASS: Declaration of Independence; United States Constitution: Article I, §2; Amendment 1; Amendment 14, §1; Amendment 15

February 6: Foundations

READ: Genesis 1:1-11:9; Letter from Prester John (1165); Treaty of Tordesillas (1494); “Religion, Race, & the American Constitutional Order” (Mazur); “Dal al-Constitution” (Mazur)


February 8: “Catholicism in a Hurry”

February 13: Catholics as Race

February 15: Catholics & Race

READ: “El Requerimiento” (Juan López de Palacios Rubios, 1513)”Sublimus Dei” (Paul III, Pope); “There are More Black Catholics in American than Member of the AME Church” (Green)

February 20: “Judaism in a Hurry”

DUE: Analysis (Catholicism)

February 22: Judaism as Race

READ: Ezra 9+; Matthew 27: 24-25; General Orders #11 (1862); Shaare Tefila Congregation v. Cobb (1987)

February 27: Judaism & Race

READ: “Watch This Powerful Talk on the Jewish Community’s Pressing Need to Welcome Jews of Color” (Rosenberg); Be’Chol Lashon (Website); “Can a Single Person Speak for All Black Jews?” (MaNishtana)

DUE: DAVIES (entire)

March 1: “Native American Religion/s in a Hurry”

DUE: Analysis (Judaism)

March 6: Native American Religion/s as Race

March 8: Native American Religion/s & Race

READ: Ghost Dance Religion (Mooney); “Peyote, the Giver of Visions” (Shonle)

March 13: “African American Religion/s in a Hurry”

DUE: Analysis (Native American Religion/s)

March 15: African American Religion/s as Race

March 20: African American Religion/s & Race

READ: The Life, Experiences, and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen (Allen); “We Are Not Black People” (Sheik Way-El)

READ: “Black Theology in American Religion” (Cone)

March 22: “Mormonism in a Hurry”

DUE: Analysis (African American Religion/s)

March 27: NO CLASS (Spring Break)

March 29: NO CLASS (Spring Break)

April 3: Mormonism as Race

READ: 1 Nephi 7; Doctrine & Covenants §132; Official Declaration #1; Reynolds v. United States (1878)

DUE: FREYs (entire)

April 5: Mormonism & Race

READ: Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 5; 2 Nephi 26; Official Declaration #2

April 10: “Asian Religions in a Hurry”

DUE: Analysis (Mormonism)

April 12: Asian Religions as Race

READ: United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923)

April 17: Asian Religions & Race

April 19: Protestant Christianity as Race

DUE: Analysis (Asian Religion/s)

April 24: Protestant Christianity & Race

READ: Berea College v. Commonwealth of Kentucky (1908); Bob Jones University v. United States (1983)


April 26: Reconciliation

READ: “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” (King)

May 1: Diversity & Pluralism

READ: “Racial Reconciliation” (Glynn)

May 3: NO CLASS (VWU Port Day)

DUE: Port Day Extra Credit Form

May 8: Conclusions

